This entry stands for the whole franchise as well as for the first arc of the animation, which shares the same name.
Pokémon (Japanese: ポケットモンスター Pocket Monsters, ポケモン Pokémon for short), is an overarching media franchise owned by Nintendo, Creatures, Inc., and Game Freak. First appearing in 1996 with the release of its first entries on the Game Boy, the game series has since inspired an array of media, including an anime, a card game, numerous manga, and various spin-off games.
The series focuses on the creatures known as Pokémon, as well as their inhabited world, full of legends, tales, and adventures. Several interpretations of the world explore different themes and elements. Most commonly, Pokémon coexist with humans and can be caught, trained, and used in battles and other activities. Trainers, along with their Pokémon, travel across diverse lands aiming to make their dreams become reality, and the bond — love and trust — between Trainers and their Pokémon is often cited as the key to success.
The Pokémon franchise is notable in that it is the highest-grossing media franchise of all time, outselling other franchises such as Star Wars and Mario.