MERIDIAN, Idaho (KBOI) -- Wahooz Family Fun Zone is has big plans to put Meridian on the map of fun and entertainment destinations, by building a four-story indoor adventure park.
Construction for this multi-million dollar project will begin in April and be finished in November, according to Pat Morandi, CEO of Wahooz, Pinz and Roaring Springs Waterpark.
"We travelled the country looking for the newest, most fun and exciting attractions in the family entertainment industry to bring to the Treasure Valley," Morandi said.
The blueprints show a 17,000 square-foot expansion with seven attractions, including:
Dueling Laser Mazes, two amusement rides, an obstacle course with ropes up to three-stories high, a climbing-wall-meets-theme-park combo, four-level play structure full of foam balls and interactive obstacles, and futuristic bumper cars.
Tiffany Quilici, the sales and marketing director, says the addition would create around 400 jobs constructing the project and 30 permanent jobs at Wahooz. The Indoor Adventure Park will be connected to the front of Wahooz and Pinz.
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